WARCRAFT The Beginning

WARCRAFT, the title is so familiar. Yep, this movie is adapted from a PC games. At first I'm still doubt to watch the movies. But people around me saying this movie is good. So I guess I need to try to watch it too. The genre of this movie are Action, Adventure and Fantasy.

At first everything looks so confusing, I even said to myself why I watched this movie, I don't even play the games nor know the story and the character. For the starter of this movie, everything looks weird even the land's name, but after that everything is nice. The story is good and the war looks really like the game version.

Also I loves how they made the places amazing like the castle, the forest, which is so wide around, so big and not stuck in the same places. The magic effect also the ogre and orc looks so alive. Not just that, this movie somehow remind me of Narnia. Also it seems like there will be a continuation for this movie.

This movie is about a war between an Orc and Ogre clan with human.

Check the trailer here! :)

Anna Unbound

You can run away from your country, but not from your past
We are delighted to announce Anna Unbound is now available on Amazon Prime, Vimeo On Demand and Roku TV.

Anna Unbound is a psychological thriller that explores the tension created when moving to a new country and how to deal with a traumatic past. Set and filmed in Glasgow and Athens Anna Unbound is an ambitious project with international reach touching upon contemporary topics in Europe and beyond. It has been described as a ‘raw, engrossing, disconcerting, and nerve-wracking piece of independent cinema’.

Anna Unbound has won two awards and been nominated for seven with Vasso Georgiadou receiving Best Actress at the North Hollywood Cinefest and Sharon Osdin Best Supporting Actress at the International Filmmaker Festival of Wold Cinema. Other nominations include best director, best lead actress, best original screenplay and best drama feature.

This feature film directed by Bernd Porr starring his long term collaborator Vasso Georgiadou with screenwriter Martin Brocklebank. The idea of the film emerged from the highly successful short Cut Free and from visits by Bernd Porr to Greece witnessing the economic crisis. With this as a backdrop Anna emerged, struggling to cope with her past having moved to a new country. Anna is powerfully portrayed by Vasso Georgiadou.

Anna Unbound will also be screened at the Southend On Sea Film Festival on 28th May. The Movie is rated 15.

Check the trailer here! :)


How To Be Single

Hola, I'm coming back again with new movie review. Today I'm gonna review a movie titled How To Be Single. When I saw the trailer this movie looks so hilarious. So I guess I need to watch this movie. 

This movie genre are Drama, Romance and Comedy. This movie is actually restricted for underage. It's more like an 18+ movie, because there are some adult scene and also unproper language that's not good for children. 

The story for this movie is good, but somehow a little complicated. Also they pick the character really nice, the main cast is pretty but I don't like how they got a tangled up love story. The ending is good, and also how this movie interpreted what Single life means, it looks cool. I think this movie is nice for Spring and Summer season.

The movie is about 4 girl who have their own different love story life. It's about how they manage to finally be honest to themselves and enjoy their life to the fullest.

Check the trailer here! :)

The Angry Birds Movie

Today I watch The Angry Birds Movie. It's the movie that I waited for so long since a few months ago. The trailer is so funny, and so when this movie out I get to watch this movie.

This movie is really fresh and funny. The story is good. Actually this movie is really same as the game. Also the picture is nice and all the baby birds looks so cute, fluffy and so colorfull. It's good to watch this movie with your family and also kids. 

The part I'm still confused is why all the birds in that island can't fly and also they secretly got a different super power each of the birds. Not just, that the music for this movie is also nice too. I wish there will be a second story for this movie.

The story tell you about a bird named The Angry Birds, who got angry so fast with anything and doesn't fit in since the little. Suddenly a bunch of pigs come to their Island, which is got a bad idea to take all the birds egg in the island. How the Angry Birds stop all of them and get the trust back from all the island people?

Check the trailer here! :)

Now You See Me

At first I don't know this movie at all, I just watch a little of the trailer for the second chapter of this movie, then my friend talk to me and recommend this movie to be watched. At first I don't know the genre, but since my friend said it's about magic, then I try to watch this movie.

Actually the cast for this movie are good and popular also so familiar. Not just that, this movie  is also from the director of Clash of Titans and The Incredible Hulk. Somehow it's like some of Marvel cast playing on this movie. 

For the movie itself, the plot is good. Also the effect is nice and I love all of the magic trick they're performing. Also they didn't forget to add some action scene to complete the movie, that's why this movie can get more cool and not boring at all. 

This movie is about 4 magician which has been summoned to a mysterious address to meet each other. One year later they become a super popular magician standing on a  big stage with a sold out ticket in Las Vegas show while they robbing a bank for real. Police and everyone try to find out how everything happened.

Check the trailer here! :)