Yesterday I've just watch Fantastic 4. Actually I already watch the previous old one, but I already forget the story. Anyway it is turn out that there's no connection between the old and the newest one, I heard the newest one was a remake.
To tell you the truth, at first I don't want to watch this movie, because so many people said this is a bad movie not as good as the previous one. But then, I'm curious about the story and decided to watch the movie.
I like how the laboratory looks really real with so many science machine thingy, the effect is good, but some character doesn't have a good acting. The movie got so much talking scene rather than the action scene.
Next thing I don't like, the fighting scene is super short, I don't really likes how the fighting scene with the villains appear on the last part and take a really short timing, it's like the villain got a super power and really strong, but they just kill the villain like that, I mean it's not as stormy as what I expected.
The story start with a dream of some people that try to teleport to
another world. They succeed to do that, but something changed them after
they get back from another world, they turn into a super human with a
super ability.
Check the trailer here! :)
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