Now You See Me 2

This month got so many good movies. One of the good one which many people already waited is Now You See Me 2. Actually  from the trailer, many people already anticipate it, because there is Daniel Radcliffe, which many people known as Harry Potter, whose become one of the cast. The movie genre is Action and Thriller.

First, the movie is good, also it has a different plot and story from the previous one. I love how the trick is always making me amazed. But for the second one, the trick is not as thrilling as the previous NYSM? But the story is clear since the movie explaining the past incident. And also if the last time they have a big magic show in the biggest gambling night city Las Vegas, this time they went to Macau and London for their magic trick. 

Next thing is the character, I think they added some new character and also a surprise character? Also you can't guess the ending. I wish there will be another continuation for this movie, because I love the magic trick. Also, the action scene is not as exciting as the previous one, but I love how they fight with a magic trick.

1 year after the big show and fool the FBI agent, all the horsemen is hiding somewhere. This time they gonna appear in front of the public to show that they're not in the wrong side! 

Check the trailer here! :)