Inside Out

Yesterday I went to watch a movie that i waited for so long, it's titled "Inside Out". It's a cute animation movie. This time Disney and Pixar teamed up to make this animation movie. So far, many people watch this movie and said it's great, also, this movie give a nice message to the viewers.

For me, this movie has a great and nice story. The movie invites you to see the inside of people's mind. It's a good movie to be watched by kids, teenagers, and adults. I love how the producer make the movie simple to be watched and absorbed by the viewers, they make it looks so dreamy. They draw every characteristic the girl had been achieved with a land, land of friendship, land of families and etc. Not just that, every emotion looks so cute and there's a sad part of this movie.

I just don't like how the story of the girl looks really short. It's more into stories of the five emotion. But overall this is such an amazing family animation movie. I recommend you guys to watch this movie with your big family, parents and their childs. 
This animation movie give you a message, to be honest with your own feeling. 

The story itself tells you about five emotion, named, Joy, Sadness, Angry, Fear, and Disgust, who live within a girl's mind, named Riley. Those five emotions takes control of Riley's life. Riley need to solve her life's problem that has come and changed her emotions drastically. 

See the trailer here! :)